Bienvenidos al BioSitio de El Biotipo!

El Biotipo himself in person.
This website is a repository for all my
worldbuilding, writing, and other projects, as well as some
reviews -I prefer writing reviews in text-, recommendations, and
other random rants.
The growing list of
Worldbuilding Projects:
Just my general thoughts on worldbuilding, my favorite hobby.
Suggestions, tutorials, techniques, rants, and more to come.
¡Pachamama Despierta! Tales From A Biopunk South America:
Biopunk, space trees, talking dolphins, latinofuturism, Argentine
jokes and more! (coming soon)
In a space opera galaxy where astronauts sail the aetheric
currents, there's an adventure on every world. Space gauchos,
shark princesses, sarcastic cacti, and some deep discussion of
society of a setting with countless cultures and species. All here
in Campoestela, the field of stars.
Greatest Scam: A Post-Singularity Future:
What happens when cryptomining is taken to its logical conclusion?
The apocalypse and a communist revolution, of course!
A fantasy Latin America where the great native empires were never
conquered, and magic awaits in every mountain, forest and river.
Alternate History:
What if? Maps, vignettes, articles and so on from worlds where
history turned to be just a little different. (coming soon)
El Sueño De Hoy (castellano):
A series of microfictions in Spanish I did for every day in
2018-2019. 365 in total. (coming soon)
Biology stuff:
I am a biologist specialized in anthropology and
ecology. Let me share my questionably useful knowledge with you!
(coming soon)
Other Stuff:
Earth Fan Site
A forgotten gem by Maxis. Simulate an entire planet, 1990s style.
Spore Fan Site
An awesomely creative game that certainly deserves better. (coming
Fate of the
World Fan Site
A game were you try to save the world from global warming.
Ridiculously hard, but I have tips for it!
Planetes Fan Site
Probably the most underrated anime ever. (coming soon! BUT GO
Don't you miss when Google wasn't the only website
that ever existed, and every first result was a Wikipedia page?
(nothing against Wikipedia, of course!) Aren't you tired about all
the clickbait and having to resort to boring papers and sketchy
social media to get your info? Me too! Here I'll curate useful
links for my various interests, chosen and curated by a real
person (me), like we did in the Old, Old Web.
Contact me!
- 5/06/2023: Long time no see! Added LINKS!, a rant to
the worldbuilding section, and did some cleanup, in the hopes of
updating this more often. Don't forget to check my tumblr for
more stuff!
- 20/05/2020: Added The Greatest Scam sci-fi
project and a Fansite for Fate Of The World, plus updated other
pages and did a makeover to the homepage. Looks a lot better
now, but still can be improved! Enjoy!
- 19/05/2020: Added the América Invicta and
Worldbuilding pages, as well as contacts and a WIP page for Sim
Earth. Now at least there's something to look at. Still a lot of
work to do, though!
- 18/05/2020: Website Created! Not yet ready to
go to the public though.
This website is best viewed in Mozilla Firefox. Well,
actually I don't know if that's true, but you should use Firefox
regardless. Support a Free Web!
Gracias a Neocities por
el hosting y toda la onda noventosa!